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We aim to keep up to date with the latest developments and try and provide detailed information for our readers so they can make informed decisions about the electric vehicle market.
Whether your thinking about buying one or have one already, we want to make this site useful for everyone.
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EV Costs
read moreIn this section, we take a look at the various costs involved with an electric car. As we know, they are an expensive upfront cost but how do they fare once you own them?
Are they a good investment and what sort of lifespan can you expect out of the vehicle and battery, will they cost a fortune to replace, lets find out!
Are they a good investment and what sort of lifespan can you expect out of the vehicle and battery, will they cost a fortune to replace, lets find out!
Living With An EV
read moreIn this section, we take a look at frequent questions people ask when they have an electric car. This can be anything from wanting to install your own charging point to wondering how long the lithium-ion battery in your vehicle will last.