Time Out Therapies

Massage Therapist in Exeter, Devon
Massage Therapist in Exeter, Devon Mary Grove was born and raised in Exeter and her interest in complementary therapies started as a teenager when she became dissatisfied with conventional medicine to treat a number of complaints. At this time she began experiencing various complementary therapies and buying and using essential oils. Her interest in the human condition and mind body spirit connection led her to studies in Philosophy, Psychology and Human Biology, then a degree in Social Anthropology with a particular focus on the understanding of health and illness in other cultures.

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Time Out Therapies
read moreWhether you're experiencing physical or mental discomfort or tension, or just been busy and need to chill for an hour or two. Give your body and mind a healthy boost with a soothing, relaxing, revitalising or invigorating treatment. Allow tension to dissolve from your body and the mind will fully relax too. I offer Aromatherapy Massage, Remedial Massage and Ayurvedic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy in a Natural Health and Beauty Center in the heart of Exeter.
read moreMary, the Aromatherapist, will go through a consultation with you to find out your needs. Essential oils will then be selected depending on your preferred aromas and what we want to treat and blended in a carrier oil for use in your Aromatherapy Massage. Aromatherapy massage is traditionally fairly light, however Mary tends to work deeper into areas of tension with your agreement. Mary, the Aromatherapist, will go through a consultation with you to find out your physical/emotional needs. Essential oils will then be selected depending on what we want to treat and blended in a carrier oil for use in your Aromatherapy Massage.
read moreWhether you're looking to resolve pain, general stress, just want a treat or in need of some deep relaxation, I have the appropriate treatment for you. Massage boosts the immune system, stimulates the circulation and the lymphatic system, increases energy levels and induces calm in both mind and body. Massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the body down, encourages deeper breathing, lowers heart rate and switches digestion back on. Massage relaxes all the systems of the body, which either shut down or speed up as a result of stress, and helps with stress related conditions such as IBS, insomnia and headaches.
read moreCraniosacral Therapy is a powerful yet gentle hands on therapy which has its origins in Osteopathy. Your practitioner is able to sense subtle forces of motion in the body called primary respiration. This rhythmic impulse, also called the breath of life exists in all living beings and has been measured scientifically. The practitioner places her hands on various parts of the body and orients to the health of the body. By working to enhance the breath of life within the body the natural healing potential of the system is enhanced.
read moreReflexology is an incredibly relaxing treatment whereby the whole body can be treated by massaging zones on the feet that relate to other parts of the body. Always wanted to try reflexology? Now's the time! Experience the deep relaxation provided by this lovely treatment. Clients often doze off during treatment, which is not a problem, I'll just wake you gently at the end! A balancing and regulating treatment which can help all body systems to achieve homeostasis. The client is made comfortable lying on the treatment couch.
read moreIndian Head Massage is a clothed, seated treatment with or without oil, using a combination of techniques which wonderfully ease away shoulder, neck and head tension. Perfect for people who spend hours at a desk or on a computer and those who suffer from headaches. Includes upper back, shoulders, neck and scalp. Face can also be included upon request which is incredibly soothing and can be helpful for sinus, ear and jaw issues in addition to migraines. Your therapist has trained in both the UK and India.
read moreReiki is a form of gentle healing energy which the Reiki practitioner has been attuned to in order to access it at will and pass the benefits on to others. Reiki is universal energy, it is out there in the universe, it is limitless and can only work for good. Reiki healing energy has an intelligence in that it goes where it is needed. Healing has been practiced throughout centuries under many different names and works holisticallly on the mind body and spirit. This is an extremely safe treatment for everyone as the healing energy will go where it is needed in the body, and will work alongside any medication you may be taking.
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