Jigs 'N' Reels Ceilidh Bands

Musician in Worcester, Worcestershire
Musician in Worcester, Worcestershire Before contacting us, we suggest that you check out our database to find bands which you think to be most suitable for your ceilidh or barn dance, bearing in mind musical style, geography and pocket - naturally, after doing that, we hope that you will contact us to check matters out further. Please bear in mind that budget categories are for guidance purposes only - company quotations are only given for each specific, personal event.

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Classical and Jazz
read moreFrom time to time, customers ask whether it's possible to book an alternative type of music or musicians for part of the day's celebrations, especially for very important occasions like Weddings (music before/during/after the ceremony, greeting guests at Reception etc). However, such music and entertainers are not within our specialist role and we would not dare to pretend otherwise. But, in an effort to help our customers seeking such services. It is just not possible to give the full range of their music on this single page - please feel free to visit their website and leave your enquiry directly with them.
read moreTo a large degree at private events, the client calls the shots as to the timings for an event. Generally, a time-frame of 3 to 3 hours (with a break of approx 30/45 minutes somewhere in the evening) works well. That is usually enough for most dancers and about right for the musicians. A typical night might run something like this - the band starts up at, say, 8pm sending out the message that live music and dancing is about to start. Of course, ceilidhs for enthusiasts who regularly attend ceilidh events would probably involve more dancing and less break periods - but these folks expect dancing to that level where the dancing is the main focus and the socialising side of the night is somewhat secondary.
Tips and advice for barn dances
read moreFINALLY, only offer the band and caller free drinks for the duration if you have recently won the National Lottery - it might end up costing you more than your total 'all-in' charge! But the gesture will be enormously appreciated!
Ceilidhs & Barn Dances
read moreNow this is a bit of a personal interpretation - not the dictionary definition exactly and someone else will tell you otherwise, of course! First off - you don't really have to hold the dance in a barn. If you live in a semi, you might be relieved to know this. Barns can be, sometimes, ideal venues and we don't object to them. But there are lots of alternatives, like village halls or hotels/pubs/specific reception venues (with a function room) or school halls/assembly rooms or marquees (on the lawn or open space).
Band search
read moreAnd now for something completely different! Your guests will never forget a night like this! AfroCeilidh is a Great Night Out! Come on your own, or with a group of friends, and you'll soon get involved in this unique, multicultural approach to English barn dance. The band brings together a stunning array of exceptional talents. Available as a solo Bagpiper to play Highland Bagpipes on all working levels, including Scottish and Irish Traditional, weddings, special occasions, funerals(or even divorces!)
Weddings Ceilidhs Barn Dances
read moreWe have more than 30 years' experience of arranging Ceilidhs and Barn Dances for wedding celebrations. It's that really big day, isn't it? Your special day that you never want to forget - and you don't want your friends, close family and mates to forget it either. Let's be honest - every bride and groom will remember their wedding day.but will everybody else? In fact, most guests remember the night rather than the day! (Secret - ssshhh - guests actually remember the last hour better than anything else! Get married at 11pm!)
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