Churches in Tamworth

Elim Church

Elim Church

Elim Church
Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 2AY
You can easily navigate this web page by means of the menu bar above. Just hover over the various menu items and the details in each section will then appear. Many kinds of the work of the church can be seen on Tamworth Elim TV. Click on this link to watch our Welcome video and then choose from nearly
Coton Green Church

Coton Green Church

Coton Green Church
Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 9AA
We're a non-denominational evangelical congregation located in The Coton Centre on the N side of Tamworth, UK. Our heart is to gain out to those around us, by reflecting who Christ is through our actions we hope and pray they will enter in to relationship with him. To be church is to be a community and
St Johns Church

St Johns Church

St Johns Church
Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 7EX
We're only a tiny parish just outside Liverpool, but one with a very big history. Share this with us, and have a look around our site by clicking on the various topics on the menu bar on the left. If you are ever in our area, do come and look around our lovely church, and better still, celebrate Mass
Blackwood Methodist Church
Blackwood Methodist Church
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
0121 353 2646Details
St Mary's Abbey Church
024 7638 2936
Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 5HU
17.1 mi Manor Ct Rd
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