Talk Therapy

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Horsham, West Sussex
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Horsham, West Sussex Talk Therapy 4 U, is a Psychotherapeutic Counselling Practice, for single persons, or couples. It is for those who think they may need aid to make sense of themselves, or their relationships. George covers many areas of psychological issues and/or hurt and brokenness. It was established after many years of Counselling / Hypnotherapy practice, both in secular work and the ministry) by long term senior advanced Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Therapist - George Booty.

Contact Details

Church Lane
Horsham, West Sussex
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Trauma Care Team
read moreTrauma may cause major problems in the psyche and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is so debilitating that it may cause major issues within families and prevent the sufferer from enjoying a normal relationship, or prevent the sufferer to focus on studies or work and even life in general, until the traumas are actually dealt with. In extreme cases this may lead to major breakdown and ensuing Mental Health problems. HELP is at hand. Our Patient Work in this area is a specialised field and is not taken on lightly without an in depth assessment prior to any work being carried out.
Heart Relationships
read moreYou came here to learn and master unconditional love as a soul trying to live and integrate in this world. The divine source of love is where your Soul came from, as it was born of love. And therefore your Soul's essence, that which makes you uniquely You, came from The Divine - Your Higher Being and is where you will eventually return, when you master love. You came here to learn personal love:- universal love, messy love, sweaty love, crazy love, broken love, whole love, loveliness with divinity, lived through the grace of The Divine and tumbling into life through confusion and mistakes.
Our Staff
read moreThe Staff at our various locations will be appointed to help clients and will be chosen for their suitability to the client work. Talk Therapy 4 U - We work out of the following offices - LONDON (Harley Street W1.) or at Central Head Offices - ACORN HOUSE 381 Midsummer Blvd, in CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES (Buckinghamshire) MK9 3HP. Also nd NewStart Drop-In & Counselling Service at Market Square in Central Milton Keynes. Talk Therapy is a Counselling & Psychotherapy Practice, for single persons, or couples.
Schedule of Prices
read moreIn England, although people have access to public / NHS counselling services, most such services have long waiting lists, limited flexibility in terms of service delivery and the client cannot choose their counsellor. They also usually need to go through an IAPT, or their GP which then often leads on to psychiatrists / clinical psychologists / CPN's / Care workers various / AMHT / MHT / MHHT / ASTI / A&E Mental Health Dept's and/or, almost any other acronym of a team name you can think of. Patients are usually coerced into a 'care' plan often created by NHS professionals who see them as statistics and evidence of movement through an uncaring system and then told there is nobody in a position locally to give them any specialist therapy (typical example - Trauma-PTSD) required.
Fast Life Coaching
read moreWe are waiting to help you so come and get results fast. Invest in yourself right now for a better life through our Life Coaching to gain mastery over your life and your dreams. Call a Talk Therapy Life Coach, at Convergence College, in Central Milton Keynes right now, and book a single session of one hour at 99.00 with our resident Life Coach, to discuss your needs and gain some direction in your life immediately.
Clinical 'Bypass-Therapy
read moreThe Stage hypnotists use hand picked stooges and people who wish to act out and are extrovert people who need permission to do what they tell them to do. Its all an act! Please NOTE: Remember YOU are in complete control and may stop at any time you wish and you really cannot be made to do anything that you do not want to do, either in a stage of clinical hypnotherapy practice, or after you have experienced clinical hypnotherapy. Anything suggested, whilst in session, is professionally done and in line with your own desires and determination in whatever belief system you adhere to, you are just helped to achieve what you really want to do.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT
read moreCBT as it is commonly termed is a theoretical style of Psychotherapy and we have been trained to use this in his integrative work. Cognitive behavioral therapy (or cognitive behavior therapy, CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims to influence dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and cognitions through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure. CBT can be seen through the professional eyes of the Transpersonal Integrative therapist, as well as the basic courses that are taught to student nurses and psychiatric nurses, etc. CBT is used as an umbrella term for a number of psychological techniques that share a theoretical basis in behavioristic learning theory and cognitive psychology.
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