Nowell Meller

Solicitor in Stafford, Staffordshire
Solicitor in Stafford, Staffordshire Nowell Meller Solicitors ltd (Reg. In England and Wales No. 5536577) was incorporated in November 2005 to take over the founded business of Nowell Meller, a law company partnership serving Stafford and Staffordshire since 1956. The firm mereged with the founded law firm of Arthur Boulton & Son, serving Burslem and Stoke on Trent since 1975, on 01 November 2007 and has since operated as a two-site practice, trading as Nowell Meller Solicitors in Stafford and Arthur Boulton Solicitors in Burslem.

Contact Details

7-8 ST. Marys Grove
Stafford, Staffordshire
ST16 2AT
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About Us
read moreOur clients are either existing clients who value the service we provide - or they are referred to us by clients or other local professionals - or they simply pop in or call for advice or an estimate. Our clients are all ages - from different backgrounds - requiring specialist advice and at Nowell Meller we do everything possible to give this in a professional, approachable and friendly way. At a time when the stresses upon family could not be greater, we are often giving thought as to how to manage family issues and separation in a better way for the people involved.
read moreAs society changes and we are all living longer, it has become more important for us to protect our interests - both for the here and now and also for the future. This provides more certainty for us as individuals as well as for our loved ones. There are many ways in which we can do this to ensure that, no matter what happens, an individuals wishes are carried out and some of the heartache and stress for our loved ones is alleviated. Many have the impression that making a Will or Power of Attorney is just for the elderly, which is certainly not the case.
Specialist Residential Property
read moreMoving house should be an exciting prospect. The reasons for doing so are usually positive - your first home, a bigger house to accommodate an expanding family, retiring to the country, relocating for a new job and yet so often people approach the prospect with trepidation, expecting it to be lengthy and fraught with difficulty. It is one of the biggest emotional and financial investments you will make in your life but one thing you should not have to worry about is your choice of conveyancer. Our residential property team comprises of individuals with decades of experience and expertise between them.
New Build Solicitors in Stafford
read moreAt Nowell Meller, we have a dedicated New Build team acting for developers and individuals on new build residential properties. Our clients range from property developers who have years of experience in building bespoke estates to individuals who are looking to obtain planning permission to construct a new build on a part of their garden land. For expert help with any new build matter, please contact our New Build team at our Stafford office on 01785 252377 or at our Stoke on Trent office on 01782 813315.
Commercial Property Overview
read moreAs Commercial land and property specialists in Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire, with decades of experience, we guide, advise and walk each step of the property journey with our clients, explaining the process at each stage in plain English. Whether our clients are taking a lease of their first business unit, purchasing a large industrial warehouse to expand, refinancing a residential or commercial property portfolio or selling commercial land or buildings, we take seriously the responsibility of supporting our clients to achieve their desired outcome.
Family Law Solicitors in Stafford
read moreWe have a team of dedicated professionals who are specially trained to help you through difficult family times and to secure certainty for your future. Our teams at Stafford and Stoke are here to help you. We understand that every family is different and tailor our service to meet your individual needs. We will always be upfront on costs and offer competitive rates for all family services to help you budget and plan for your future. Our experienced and professional advisors display a sympathetic and understanding approach and who will act in your best interests.
Our People
read moreAt a time when the stresses upon family could not be greater, we are often giving thought as to how to manage family issues and separation in a better way for the people involved. This can be undertaken by the use of mediation and by acting collaboratively. We have recently supported the Masiki initiative which in turn, becomes part of the Cycle of Good helping beneficiaries become suppliers. Each mask purchased helps to pay for a young apprentice in Malawi to learn about tailoring and design and funds charity.
Dispute Resolution
read moreAs dispute specialists in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent, we guide clients with a pragmatic and sensible approach to ensure that their dispute is resolved in a way that is right for them. We recognise that not every client will want to become involved with lengthy and sometimes costly litigation and that compromise is often the best way forward for them. However, sometimes litigation is necessary to achieve the desired result. We understand that a dispute can be a distraction and cause disruption to our clients' lives and the running of their businesses.
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