Hald Chiropractic Clinic

Chiropractor in Leamington, Warwickshire
Chiropractor in Leamington, Warwickshire Dr Henriette Fuglsang Hald, originally from Denmark, graduated in 1996 from the Anglo European College of Chiropractic having studied a four year Bachelor degree and earning a post graduate diploma, both in Chiropractic. Henriette has since worked as a Chiropractor in private clinics in Northampton, Richmond, Birmingham and opened her own clinic three and a half years ago in Leamington Spa. What I love about Chiropractic, apart from the fact that it can assist with a huge array of aches and pains, is the diverstity of patients I have.

Contact Details

13 Dormer Pl
Leamington, Warwickshire
CV32 5AA
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What is Chiropractic
read moreChiropractic is a gentle, natural drug-free healing art which recognises the body's self healing abilities. The term Chiropractic is derived from Greek and means treatment by hand or manipulation. Chiropractic offers hands on pain management for all ages. It can help with a wide range of problems from head to toe. Chiropractors specialise in the diagnosis of and treatment of disorders of the spine, nerves, joints and muscles. Treatment comprises highly skilled and specific adjustment or manipulation of the spine and joints where signs of restriction in movement are found and it can also involve working on muscles, joints and nerves allowing the body to get on with healing itself.
Hald Chiropractic Clinic
read moreChiropractic is for all from babies to children, athletes, pregnant women, business people and 130 year olds. During your consultation with the Chiropractor they will take a comprehensive case history and ask you about your current and past health problems. They will also enquire about your family history of health problems. The examination will then follow and involves Chiropractic, orthopaedic and neurological tests. The Chiropractor will also do a detailed analysis of your alignment, how the individual joints and bones move and how the muscles are functioning.
Hald Chiropractic Clinic X-Rays
read moreHald Chiropractic Clinic has the latest X-ray equipment on site. We can take and develop X-Rays in our X-ray department saving you a wait of weeks for the results. X-rays may be taken to check for any abnormalities or conditions which will benefit from another type of treatment. They will only be taken if clinically indicated.
Hald Chirporactic Clinic
read moreMost neuro-musculo-skeletal problems are caused by either poor posture or trauma. The best way to a healthy back is watching your posture whether you are at rest or exercising. Any joint not being used correctly is susceptible to strain, stress and pain. Regular chiropractic checks and advice on posture and exercise can help keep your nerves, joints, bones and muscles in good health. For more advice see http://www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk/straightenup. Lack of exercise is your worse enemy. Whether you are relaxing, working or driving prolonged sitting loads the spine and discs.
Hald Chiropractic Clinic
read moreHow can Chiropractors help? Chiropractors treat problems with joints, nerves and muscles and the effect they have on the nervous system. Treatment is manipulation by hand designed to improve the function of the joints and take the pressure off the nervous system, relieving pain and muscle spasm. Is the treatment painful? Generally chiropractic treatment does not hurt, but occasionally there might be some short lived discomfort, which passes quickly for most patients. If your problem has been there for a long time you may be sore afterwards as your body adjusts to the treatment.
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