Dudley Baptist Church

Churches in Dudley, West Midlands
Churches in Dudley, West Midlands As an independent church we're accountable directly to God. We maintain nice relations with all churches which hold to the truths taught in the Bible. We trust that the Bible is the Word of God to Man and that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for our sins so that all who call upon His Name will be saved from the judgment to come. We understand salvation to be by faith alone apart from human works or merit, but we believe that nice works will accompany a true believer's experience.

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What we believe
read moreIf you want a more simple explanation of the Christian faith, you may feel that the find out more section of this site is more suitable.
Sunday School
read moreEach week there is singing, a quiz and a memory item. This is followed by a lesson in small groups where a Bible story is taught in a relevant and interesting way by our experienced teachers.
Sunday Services
read moreThe central features of the service are the singing of hymns, prayer, the reading of the Bible and preaching. Our style of worship is simple and reverent and we focus our thoughts on God and His Word, the Bible. The preaching in the morning is generally for believers, and we study both old and new testament books and also topics and characters from the Bible. During our morning service we have an item for the children, so they feel part of the congregation. In the evening service it is our aim to explain the Gospel for all who wish to learn about God's way of salvation.
Who we are
read moreMany people think of church as a building. However, the Bible describes the church as a group of true Christians. Each week around 100 Christians meet together in the building to worship God, learn more from the Bible and to serve Him in various ways. We also meet regularly to pray together. This is really what church is all about. Our lives have been transformed by knowing Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. We know that our sins have been forgiven and we have peace with God. We are completely sure that we will go to heaven one day because Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sin when He died on the cross.
For Older People
read moreSadly we meet some people who feel that they are too old to start considering the things of God. The Bible reassures us that as long as our lives last, it is never too late to turn to God. The thief dying on a cross next to the Lord Jesus cried "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom". At that very last moment, when he could do nothing to help himself, Jesus promised him eternal life - "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23:42,43). If providing transport would make the difference and enable you to come to our services, we would be more than delighted to help.
For Everyone
read moreSo easily the most important things of life can be pushed to the side. We encourage everyone to come and investigate the Christian faith, and how you may come to know God for yourself. God's message of salvation is for all people. Wealth, education, cultural or religious background, employment status or even fame give no-one any favour with God. The Bible says all are sinners and need a Saviour. There is only one way back to God and that is through Jesus Christ. When He died on the cross He paid the ransom for many to set them free from the power and guilt of sin.
For Children
read moreJesus Christ placed great emphasis on caring for even the youngest children. In the Bible we are told of a time when children were brought to Jesus so that He would pray for them. His disciples rebuked these people. Perhaps they thought that Jesus' time was being wasted. We also have regular special meetings where the whole family is invited and tea is provided. During the October half term we often run a Holiday Bible Club which any child aged 5-11 can attend. Please check the church diary for confirmation.
For Teenagers
read moreNot only have they come to know God for themselves but they have also known God's help and guidance through these sometimes challenging years. We believe that the Bible is just as relevant for teenagers as for any other age group. You only have to look at the book of Proverbs, that famous book of wisdom. Again and again the writer addresses "my son". The words of introduction include the phrase "to the young man knowledge and discretion" (Proverbs 1:4). Therefore, our activities include games, quizzes, walks, outings and weekends away, but all with a clear focus on learning more about God through His word, the Bible.
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